Declawed (Rare Simityè)
causes arthritis in Simityè, very bad for them. they will struggle to dig!
Shaped Pawpads (TB) (Uncommon Teddy Bear)
can be any shape that isnt the standard cat/dog shape
Long Tail (Rare Simityè)
Long Tail (can be any shape, Can be longer)
Aquatic Tail (Common Carriopod)
Any aquatic shaped tail with the appropriate armor (which armor can be stylized!) counts as common!
Non Aquatic Tail (Rare Carriopod)
A non aquatic shaped tail with the appropriate armor on it (which can be stylized).
Small Tail (TB) (Common TeddyBears)
any shape that is small sized
Medium Tail (TB) (Uncommon Teddy Bear)
any shape that is medium sized, about the length of the leg
Glowing (Mutation)
Can be anywhere on the body or any body part, also any color. You can obtain this mutation via the bottled fireflies item.
Zombie (Mutation)
Open holes, exposed bones or bones of unnatural shape as apart of the body. this trait is obtained via the rib bones item.
Glitter (Mutation)
Body glitter, any color. This mutation is gained via the butterfly wings item.
Color Changing Fur (Mutation)
can be due to time, season, or any other environmental conditions. This trait is obtained via the mood ring item.
Horns (Mutation)
Any shape or size, must be on the head or neck. this trait is obtained via the goat horn item.
Antlers (Mutation)
Any shape or size, must be on the head or neck. this trait is obtained via the deer foot item.
Cerberal (Mutation)
2 to 3 Heads. this trait is obtained via the dog skull item!
Aura (Mutation)
Floating things around the body. Can be pretty much any object. This trait is obtained via the jar of storms.