Terms of Service

Created: 4 May 2023, 07:24:26 CDT
Last updated: 19 May 2023, 05:06:24 CDT

Simityè Terms of service


By signing up to this website and using it, you agree to follow these terms! Breaking them will result in a permanent ban.

Please note that these terms extend to all official platforms for Simityè, including the Discord, and any Simityè-related social media and its posts. By accessing the site or Discord, viewing any content, or using any services available on the site, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms. Failure to abide by these terms may result in a warning, a ban from the Simityè group, and/or termination of the account on the Simityè website, depending on the severity of the situation. If you do not accept all of the Simityè group’s rules, refrain from interacting with the Simityè species and participating in any events.

Simityè and all other Simityè species characters are a closed species belonging to CheapBones; you cannot make personal characters or species adoptables of them (free, paid, or otherwise) without permission.

The base framework of the Boneyards.xyz website is based on the openly available Lorekeeper ARPG Masterlist. We do not claim ownership of this framework, nor claim creatorship. All other content found on this website, including artwork, writing, etc. belongs to the Simityè species group, unless stated otherwise.

These terms are subject to updates and changes, so it is important to check them often.


Users are expected to be kind and respectful to other members and staff. The Simityè community is not a place for venting, ranting, or overt negativity. Please do not bring up any topics that may be harmful or upsetting to others.

The following conduct violates our guidelines and would be subject to warnings, strikes, or bans, depending on the severity of the situation:
  • Perpetuating pedophillia, zoophilia, racism, nazism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and any other hateful remarks inside or outside of the group. Bigots are not welcome in our community.

  • Being rude to, bullying, or harassing anyone for any reason. If a user is problematic or causing issues, please contact a staff member and allow us to deal with it rather than harassing them.

  • Name-dropping or publicly gossiping about an individual(or group), even if not present, to stir up drama.

  • Guilt tripping, whining, or complaining about adoptable or artwork prices. Do not beg, guilt, or harass people to try and gain characters, items, currency, or artwork. Boneyards.xyz characters are an artist-made luxury item, not a necessity.

  • Harassing another user to sell or trade their Boneyards.xyz character(s) to you when they are not explicitly put up for sale or trade offers. If a character is not listed for sale or trade, please do not contact the owner to ask if you can purchase or trade to obtain them.

  • Scamming another user by attempting to sell or trade a character that does not belong to you, or accepting money but not transferring the design to the buyer.


    The Simityè group as a whole is PG-13, and therefore may feature some NSFW(non sexual) themes and topics such as gore, body horror, alcohol and drug mentions, and other possibly triggering content. We will always add a censor/spoiler and tag content with appropriate content warnings to make sure members are aware of their subject matter. This includes the website, our Discord, and our social media, when applicable. If a user decides to engage with any NSFW(non sexual) content put out by the official group or a member of the group, they are doing so at their own discretion. We will never force anyone to produce, engage in, or discuss any NSFW topics, as these will mainly be included in individual character designs, lore, and some on-site assets. 

    Members are not allowed to create sexual NSFW content with their own Simityè, even in anthro form in a public manner. It is strictly forbidden to create sexual content of Simityè in their feral animal form, and doing so will result in a ban.

    NSFW(non sexual) content must be posted with any applicable content warnings, as well as a spoiler/censor. Before publicly posting any NSFW(non sexual) creations in our Discord, it is important to evaluate the extent of the NSFW topics in the piece. If your piece only includes minor NSFW topics like a small amounts of blood, cartoonish depictions of organs, minor body horror, or drug/alcohol use, the image may be posted in public art areas as long as there is an accompanying message that describes the specific content warning, and a spoiler applied to the image. Any creations that are more severely NSFW than previously mentioned may not be posted anywhere in Simityè group. For more information, refer to our worded guide below for examples:

  • Bones
  • Scars
  • Clean/Healed Amputated Limbs
  • robotic parts
  • cartoon zombie parts
  • stuffing spills and stitchescartoon organs

    Anything more may require a spoiler! Understand that not all phobias can be catered to depending on how specific or unique they may be!


    Users of the website and Discord must be at least 13 years of age. If you are below the age of 13, we encourage you to not interact with the website or Discord at all. By creating an account on this website, you agree that you are of the legal age in your local area to view the content listed.

    Boneyards.xyz may feature some NSFW(non sexual) themes and topics (gore, body horror, alcohol and drug mentions, and other possibly triggering content). We always will spoiler and tag content with their appropriate warnings to make sure that members are aware of such subject matter.

    While it is required by users, moderators, and artists to always tag and spoiler their art accordingly with appropriate content warnings, neither the moderator nor the artist are accountable for what you might see and if the art might affect you once you decide to view the appropriately tagged image. If a spoilered image does not include any content warnings, open a ticket with a mod to report the lack of content warning on spoilered content.

    Swearing is permitted, but please try to avoid excessive foul language.  

    We do not tolerate adults bothering minors or vice versa—one report can be an instant ban if the situation is suspicious. Inappropriate talk between minors and adults will immediately result in an investigation and removal from the server if needed. 

    Members under the age of 18 cannot create, request, or share adult content. Similarly, adults are not allowed to create, request, or share adult content with minors. Both parties WILL be given a ban in this situation.


    In order to own a Boneyards.xyz character, you are required to make an on-site account which needs to be linked to one of your supported social media accounts. (DeviantArt & Toyhou.se)

    Your account name must be unique and cannot include any vulgar, sexual, suggestive, NSFW, hateful, or otherwise disrespectful words or phrases. We will change it to something more appropriate without consulting you.

    It is forbidden to make multiple accounts in order to gain extra in-game materials, bypass bans, troll, cheat, etc. If you find yourself unable to log back into your account, try resetting your password or contact a moderator as a last resort. If you would like to change your username, please contact a member of the staff team instead of creating a new account; we can change your username for you. In the event of a ban, the banned user cannot create or use another account. Your account and access to your account is non-transferrable and cannot be given away, traded to, or sold to another user or person for any reason. 

    The sale or trade of in-game items and/or currency for "real life" currency is prohibited, and will result in a warning. On-site items from Boneyards.xyz can only be exchanged for other Simityè on-site items, Simityè virtual currency, or other intangible goods such as artwork or characters. This is to avoid value inflation and keep our currencies and items free.

    All writing and art pieces that you upload to the website gallery or user profiles need to be either created by you or, if created by another artist, require that artist’s permission to be uploaded. Additionally, art and writing may not include any hateful, excessively vulgar, or sexual themes/depictions. 

    Links in a user’s personal profile are not verified by the moderator team. As such, please treat them with caution. However, users are forbidden from linking to any harmful, hateful, or otherwise disrespectful websites, and may be banned from the site if this is discovered.

    The personal accounts and posts of Guest Artists, Moderators, and other staff are not connected to the Boneyards.xyz group. They may post, repost, like, or follow whatever is to their liking. While they are also obliged to follow the Boneyards.xyz rules on official platforms, they are allowed to post whatever else is legal and not harmful on their personal social media. This might include swearing, NSFW content, gore, political discussion, or other content. Discretion is advised when interacting with these accounts.

    The Simityè species group is strongly against NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and will never interact with or condone them. Every instance of the acronym NFT used within our group is the shortened version of ‘not for trade.’ This acronym has been used for character trades for years and we will not change its in-group meaning to stand for Non-Fungible-Token, as we do not associate with them.


    All warnings, strikes, bans, and other personal matters will only be discussed privately with the individual involved. We will not give out any personal information to other users or disclose who has how many warnings, strikes, etc.

    For small and/or clearly unintentional rule breaks, a warning will be given out to the user in question. Once 3 separate warnings have been sent to the same user, said user will receive a strike. Strikes may also be directly given, without prior warning, for larger and more intentional rule breaks. Once a user has received a total of 3 strikes, they will be temporarily or permanently banned from participating in the Simityè species group, depending on the severity of the situation.

    A temporary ban means that the user is banned from participating in any group-specific games, events, sales, giveaways, and any other group-specific activities for a set period of time. Once the given timeframe has passed, the user may be allowed back into the group unless the moderators receive proof of continued malicious intent and/or non-changed behavior.

    A permanent ban means that the user will be banned from all group-related social media, the Simityè Discord, and the official website. The user may no longer participate in any games, events, sales, trades, giveaways, and other group-hosted events. All characters, items, and currency still on the user’s on-site account will be permanently voided and deleted. Users may keep their characters after they have been voided, but can no longer call them a Simityè or claim them to be a part of the Simityè species group. The user is not entitled to a refund of any premium virtual currencies they own at the time of being permanently banned.

    Upon termination of your account and this agreement:
    You will immediately cease all use of the site, our Discord group, or interaction with our social media pages; you will have no further access to your Boneyards.xyz account.

    A user may be prevented from entering the Simityè species group as a whole if we have serious proof of illegal behavior/actions made either within or outside of our community.

    If you feel like you have been banned unfairly, you may appeal your ban by replying to the message sent by the Admin account, or by contacting us through Discord or email. You will need to provide a reason and proof of your claim, and we may discuss your case further.

    Staff, Moderators, and Guest Artists are free to have private and personal ban lists both for their personal accounts as well as for their community sales and services. If you find yourself unable to participate in events or games because of this, you may seek out another moderator to help you enter or participate. This does not include sale blacklists; do not contact another moderator to try to get around an artist’s sale blacklist.





    The species found within Boneyards.xyz are a closed species concept belonging to CheapBones, and as such you are not allowed to make one without permission. You also cannot make species adoptables of them [free, paid, or otherwise] without permission. These rules pertain to the ownership, resale, and trade of Boneyards.xyz designs. You may not claim ownership of the species or claim any rights to any art or content made for this group.

    While Simityè are a Closed Species, we are in no way gatekeeping the concepts behind these critters. If you want to make characters that are similar, go ahead! We only ask that you do not call them Simityè, or mention Simityè or CheapBones’s name in association with these ‘fan-made' characters. Also, while personal use is fine, please do not make 'fan-made' Simityè-inspired characters to sell for profit.


    When you own a Boneyards.xyz character, you own the personal and non-commercial rights to that character. Boneyards.xyz retains the commercial rights to the character species, but does not claim any personal or commercial rights to any unique and individual character you may own. We will never claim to own or revoke any characters owned by any user.

    Commercial use of your Boneyards.xyz character(s) requires specific approval and set rules by CheapBones. Commercial use is prohibited without specific approval.

    Boneyards.xyz character ownership is handled and tracked strictly through the official website via the Masterlist.

    The only way to be certain that a Boneyards.xyz character purchase is legitimate is to receive an on-site transfer from the current owner. In order to reduce the possibility of a scam, users are encouraged to only initiate a character transfer after full payment has been made.

    If a user is experiencing difficulty verifying the legitimacy or worth of a Boneyards.xyz character they are purchasing off-site, they may reach out to a moderator for assistance.

    Every Boneyards.xyz character may only have 1 official owner. Off-site ‘co-owning’ is not advised, and will not be maintained or recognised on the Simityè website.We do not and will not take any responsibility for co-ownership disputes nor the terms that co-owners set between themselves. You are completely responsible for keeping up and navigating your own co-ownership contract.

    You may change your Boneyards.xyz character’s appearance or design according to the rules in our redesign guide(link soon). Other changes [gender, ethnicity, name, age, personality, scars, disabilities, body types, missing limbs, etc]. may be changed at any time, to the owner's liking, without mod approval.

    While we host all Boneyards.xyz characters on our website, we have no direct connection to, or say in, how a user decides to develop their character’s personality and actions. We do not condone any inappropriate character development, but cannot and will not interfere with a user’s personal choices unless they directly violate our rules. It is against the Boneyards.xyz terms of service to make characters that perpetuate harmful stereotypes of race, gender, sex, mental health status, lifestyle, etc.




    Specific rules on how much you can alter your Boneyards.xyz character’s design can be found on our redesign page(link soon). Large design edits, specific items, accessories, traits, and re colors might require an on-site item in order to update the design. Please see our redesign guide linked above, as well as our list of all currently available traits

    If you decide to transfer an existing character of yours into a Boneyards.xyz character, you must credit the original designer of that character on the Masterlist.


    When uploading a new image to your character’s Masterlist page, be aware that only two images can be uploaded on one character’s Masterlist at a time. This is to reduce our memory usage for the website. The original image that was made and uploaded first to the character’s Masterlist entry will never be deleted, and always takes up one of the two image slots. You can use the second image slot to upload a rebase or an updated design. Once a third image is uploaded, the previous image in this second slot will be deleted! Make sure to save any images of your character, as it is not our responsibility to provide you with any secondary images that have been deleted over time. Exceptions for a third image are only made if characters include a second form from the very beginning.


    A Note on Character/design Transfers: If you are designing a Simityè (either using a MYO or a redesign) and that Simityè’s design is based off an OC or design that you own, then the new Simityè is considered to be a character transfer. What does this mean? In the case of a character transfer, the old character and design are “bound” to the Simityè. If you later decide to trade or sell this Simityè, then the old character and its design will also be traded/sold along with it. These rules are in place to make sure that new owners of a Simityè always receive all of the Simityè's previous designs. It also prevents owners from selectively detaching designs they like, keeping them, and then selling the Simityè again.

    For clarity’s sake, we’ll provide an example. Let’s say that Person A owns a hypothetical character design—we’ll call them Basil the spice bunny. Person A either obtains a MYO slot or redesigns a pre-existing Boneyards.xyz character. They either base the design off of Basil’s design, or intend this new Simityè to be a “Simityè version” of Basil. The original character of Basil is therefore bound to this new Simityè. Later, Person A wants to sell this Simityè to Person B. If they do so, Person B would receive both the Simityè and Basil the spice bunny, as the two are considered to be bound together.

    If you do not wish for the original character to be traded or sold along with its associated Simityè, your only option is to void the Simityè. For this reason, we encourage you to think very carefully before converting your previously owned characters or designs into Simityè. Please also note that this term only applies to Simityè made from a design that you own—for example, if you made a Simityè whose design was loosely inspired by [popular franchise character], that would not count as a character transfer, as you did not own or create the original design.



    Individuals who purchase a Boneyards.xyz character may decide to remove them from the species. This process is called voiding. Once voided, the character’s entry on the Masterlist, and artwork, will be permanently removed and the species name can no longer be applied to the character. It will be considered a regular themed character design only. 

    The voiding of a character listed on this site is only possible if said character is under your possession. You cannot void any characters not directly owned by you.

    To void your character you need to contact an available moderator and ask them to permanently void the specific character(s). A user may void their characters without any questions by the moderator but will need to agree to the character voiding terms again.

    If a user is in possession of a voided character and wishes to add them back into the Boneyards.xyz group, they may do so only by obtaining and using a MYO slot to recreate the character.

    The removal of your characters from the species by staff will only occur if a user is permanently banned from the species. In this case all characters still on their account on site will be permanently voided and deleted from the site. Users may keep their characters as one-offs after they have been forcefully voided, but can no longer claim them to be a Simityè or belong to the Boneyards.xyz species.





    The sale or trade of on-site items or currency for "real life" currency is prohibited, and will result in a strike. On-site items from boneyards.xyz can only be exchanged for other boneyards.xyz on-site items, boneyards.xyz virtual currency, or other intangible goods such as artwork or characters. This is to avoid value inflation and keep our currencies and items free.

    Boneyards.xyz characters are an artist-made luxury item, not a necessity. Guilt-tripping, whining, and complaining about prices are not tolerated within the group. Do not pester any member of the staff to try to find out when new characters will be released for sale. 

    Payment must be made within 24 hours of confirmation of a winning bid/claim, unless a payment plan has been discussed. Recurring failure to pay may result in removal from the group and termination of the user’s account on the Simityè website.

    Refunds and chargebacks are not accepted. In the case of an unresolved chargeback, the character will be revoked and you will be banned from the species permanently.

    Designers retain partial rights to their design. This includes all copyrights, rights to the intellectual property, and the rights to distribute, reproduce, and display in their online galleries. Artists will not reuse or resell the design for personal and commercial projects, unless the design has been traded back to them.

    Artists reserve the right to refuse sale or service to anyone at their own discretion: this includes the sale of adopts or Guest Artist commissions. (eg. Users with brand-new / unverified accounts or repeat rule-breakers.)

    Not all Boneyards.xyz Official Artists will accept customs, commissions, or other purchases from individuals under the age of 18. If you are a minor and are looking to purchase a character from a Guest Artist, please be sure of their individual terms.

    We are not responsible for any unofficial or stolen Boneyards.xyz characters you may purchase or trade for outside of our official Discord group, social media, or website. It is your responsibility to resolve the situation and get your money back if you are scammed outside of our community. You may report the incident to us but we cannot guarantee compensation. We only have control over the sales occurring within our community.




    False bids are not tolerated. Users are prohibited from making bids in an attempt to increase the price without intent to purchase.

    The currency in a bidding chain should not be changed from one bid onto another.

    It is forbidden for users to block other bidders to prevent them from making further bids.




    Boneyards.xyz's Admins, Guest Artists, and Designers may deny a custom commission request for any reason. 

    more to add.




    You may only put your character up for sale or trade once it has been uploaded to the Masterlist.

    Each Boneyards.xyz character’s Masterlist entry lists their original sale price in United States Dollars; this is called the sale value. Free or unpaid characters are given a $0 sale value, however only characters obtained in free raffles cannot be sold.

    A Boneyards.xyz character’s sale value is determined by the owner and/or artist. However we ask that the price be reasonable. Unreasonable pricing may result in a warning if it is considered to be extreme
    Once a MYO slot has been purchased by a user, it cannot be resold—only traded, gifted, or vouchered with mod approval. You are forbidden from reselling your MYO slot unless you have specifically been given Mod approval for a voucher, which is usually only done in case of an emergency.

    There are no set rules on trading or gifting Boneyards.xyz characters.

    You may transfer your character through trading, reselling, and/or gifting. New owners must be made aware of these sale terms, and by accepting the Masterlist transfer are accepting these terms.

    Failure to abide by resale rules may result in the user being banned from obtaining Boneyards.xyz characters and the termination of the user’s website account.




    Closed Species are an Original Species defined by the unique nature of the character’s appearances, anatomy, and lore to create the species concept as a whole. Characters within a Closed Species are not free to make, meaning only certain individuals can create official characters of said species. Usually there are MYO slots with which other users can make their own characters of the species.

    MYO [Make Your Own] are slots sold, traded, or gifted to members to make their own character of a certain species. 

    GA [Guest Artist] - also called Coffin BuildersThese are individuals which were granted special permission to create Boneyards.xyz characters and accept rebase and custom commissions. When and how many GAs are chosen is up to the staff team.
    NFT/NFS [not for trade/sale] Some Boneyards.xyz characters on Toyhouse might have the Tag ‘NFT’. This has always been a shortened version of ‘not for trade’ meaning that the character isn’t currently open for offers.

    FTO [First Time Owner] are members which have never before owned a Simityè.

    Non-Owners are members who have owned a Simityè in the past, but currently do not own any Boneyards.xyz characters.

    FFA [free for all] is a term used to indicate that a specific sale, trade, etc, is available for anyone to enter. This includes members who currently own Simityè, as well as FTOs and Non-Owners. 

    FCFS [first come first served] is a way to quickly sell characters or MYO slots. The person who replies fastest to the given advertisement will be the winner of said sale, giveaway, trade, etc.

    Flat Sale Raffle - A flat sale raffle is a sale in which the character or MYO being sold has a predetermined price, such as $50, and the buyer is selected randomly from a raffle. It does not cost any money to enter into the raffle. Only the winner, once rolled from the raffle, will need to pay for the character. Do not enter any flat sale raffles if you cannot pay!

    UFS [Up For Sale] indicates that a member is looking to sell their character! They sometimes have a set price tag, or may allow you to offer money with other things on top, such as art.  

    UFT [Up For Trade] indicates that a member is looking to trade their Simityè for characters, such as one offs or other closed species! They may mention what sort of characters they are looking for in their post.  

    SWAPS [Up For Swap] indicates that a member is looking to swap their Simityè for another Simityè or same designer only! If they are only looking for swaps, please do not try to bribe them with money or non-Simityè characters.

    ENTERTAINING OFFERS/EO indicates that a member is accepting offers on their Simityè out of curiosity, but is not certain if they would let the character in question go. Entertaining means that it’s mostly to see what sort of trade offers they will get, so the people who offer shouldn’t get too excited about receiving said character.  

    VOUCHERS indicate that a member is looking for money voucher offers. A money voucher means that a person can put their Simityè character up for sale for more money than the Simityè is worth, as long as the money is for a particular emergency related goal [such as bills, emergencies, etc.] For example, if a Simityè’s base value is 50 USD, and they get vouchered off for 400 USD, the base value of that Simityè will not change, so please be cautious because you WILL lose money over it. Please ask for permission from a mod before taking a voucher for your Simityè! We do not tolerate this being mistreated.

    Please respect these terms and only offer what people ask for! Repeatedly ignoring sale or trade requirements will result in a strike.