Misplaced Armor (Common Carriopod)
These carriopods have armor that doesn't make a straight line down their back! They may have speckles or odd gaps in the armor! This armor however still sits on the spine/back and goes from the back of the head to the tail.
6 Legs (Common Carriopod)
6 legs in total. That includes the small arms near the face, the large arms on the torso, and the legs!
Extra Body Armor (Uncommon Carriopod)
These carriopods have bits of armor elsewhere on their bodies, not just their spines! It can be anywhere such as their arms, legs, or even faces!
8 Limbs (Uncommon Carriopod)
8 Limbs, giving them an extra set as they usually have 6. These carriopods tend to run much faster than others.
Soft Body (Rare Carriopod)
These rare carriopods have no body armor at all and thus cannot properly protect themselves. They are always found with partners.
4 Limbs (Rare Carriopod)
Only 4 limbs instead of the normal 6. These carriopods usually struggle with storing food and protecting their pouches.
Shawls (Common Mortesse)
Long fur hanging down on either side of the arm or along the underside of the arm.
Sphynx (Uncommon Mortesse)
Causes the fur on the body to be short, so the arm shawls are missing.
Mammalian (Rare Mortesse)
Allows for fur wings instead of feathers.
Hollow (Mutation)
The Hollow trait allows your mortesse to have holes in the body, these holes however cannot be in the face. This trait is obtained via the earthly knot.