This three headed hound is actually rather small, like a puppy. They can be tamed and will guard the homes of simityè. They are said to be eternally loyal and very intelligent. They will chase their prey all the way into the afterlife.
Jub Bird
These birds can often be found near the bodies of the dead that have not been properly buried. Originally found in swarms around devices meant to disrespect the dead like gibbets, they now are used by simityè when tamed to find bodies so they can be buried.
Slithy Tove
Long bodied wisp like spirits that are very small and very fast. They are often considered pests since they will eat just about anything they can find. But some smart simityè tame them and have them eat the flesh off ceremonial bones.
Bandersnatch tend to have ferocious appetites and are fantastic for pets control. They will eat any invaders in your den. Small mammals, birds, or even insects. They are people pleasers too and are fairly easy to train if you are dedicated and patient with them. Despite the lack of eyes they can see very well, and their big teeth do not mean they are more likely to bite friends.
These curious critters are very popular spirit partners because of how cuddly and friendly they are. They also tend to stick around for a very very long time. They were originally used by simityè as nurse maids to help care for their young and keep them safe when the parents left to hunt. They also assist in helping wanderers lost in graveyards find their loved ones graves, or their way out.
Inkwell look very frightening but are very harnless as they feed on negative energy. They are often used to remove bad magic or spells from a person or spirit by attaching them so they can feed off of the energy and remove it. They are very popular with priest simityè.