Atlantic Cockle Collectable
You're not actually sure what the Atlantic is, this is a fantasy universe remember?
Bucket Of Shells
All of the treasures you've gathered during your vacation!
Purchaseable At:
Conch Shell Collectable
You know the ocean sound is actually the blood rushing in your head being amplified? You do now!
Seaglass Collectable
You have the strange urge to put it in your mouth.
Surf Clam Shell Collectable
Perfect to put on a shelf and forget about
Angel Wing Shell Collectable
Every time a bell rings... uh
Chambered Nautilus Shell Collectable
Rent in this place must've been too high, considering the previous tenant seems to have abandoned it.
Bull Kelp Collectable
Surprisingly tasty, if a bit salty
Hooked Mussel Shell Collectable
It's captivating shape really has you hooked
Perfect Pearl Collectable
A pretty little keepsake!
Tiger Cowrie Shell Collectable
Like shell Mac and cheese...
Sunray Venus Shell Collectable
Surely it's not really from Venus, right?
Sharks eye Shell Collectable
It's staring at you. Menacingly.
Bay Scallop Shell Collectable
No chips whatsoever! Perfect for showing off
Spiral Cowry Shell Collectable
Slap some soft serve on top and it's basically edible, right?